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doc. Jaroslav Řehánek, DrSc.

Intermittent operation of a heat source called “on-off” affects the heat consumption for heating. The article gives a concrete example of a house for specific cycle interruption. For historically less thermally isolated house from overheating losses they are at a level of approximately 10.2% of the annual heating requirement. In a well-insulated house, this ratio falls below 5%.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

The effort to achieve the highest efficiency of the combustion heat source is associated with the reduction in chimney losses, and thus reducing the exhaust temperature. The result is condensation in the boiler and flue system. It arises aggressive corrosive substances that can shorten the life of the boiler unless it has adequate construction and supports the formation of deposits that reduce efficiency and increase maintenance costs. Disproportionate increase in the efficiency with which the fuel savings are associated is then reflected in increased operating costs.

Ing. Jan Včelák, Ph.D., Ing. Daniel Adamovský, Ph.D., Bc. Jan Mrňa, Ing. Aleš Vodička, Ing. Marek Maška

Indoor environment quality is being more and more discussed topic. Technologies for indoor monitoring are becoming affordable and thus can be installed as autonomous monitoring and indicative systems. It can be used also in connection with ventilation system. In this article there are summarized the most important quantities related to the indoor air quality with its limit values. Particular technologies of sensors are mentioned and new sensor platform for complex monitoring of indoor environment with possible usage for controlling systems affecting indoor environment is introduced.

Jarmila Trčková, vedoucí rozúčtovacího oddělení společnosti ista Česká republika, ista Česká republika s.r.o.

The article deals with the definition of consumer and basic heating rate. It is recommended to use the ratio of 50 % basic nad 50 % consumer rate or 60 % consumer and 40 % basic if individual heat meters are used.

Jarmila Trčková, vedoucí rozúčtovacího oddělení společnosti ista Česká republika, ista Česká republika s.r.o.

For individual payment calculation for hot water we need an invoice from heat supplier with the total cost of the property in CZK and with the amount of GJ. In addition, we need the water supplier invoice, which includes the total cost of water and sewerage. For the calculation then we need water consumption from water meters.

Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí, Univerzitní Centru energeticky Efektivních Budov ČVUT v Praze, Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The article deals with the issue of safety valves installation for water heaters. Neglecting of the installation conditions often causes damage to the installed appliance, or (as shown in the paper) loss on the water and sewer charges in the case of a safety valve installed in the water heater safety group.

Ing. Jindřich Boháč, Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D.

The paper focuses on the analysis and experimental comparison of operating characteristics of various types of radiators. The first part contains a brief search of radiators available on the Czech market. The following is the theoretical analysis of the thermal inertia of the selected objects, both in the phase of start-up and cooling-down. This analysis serves as a basis for evaluating operating performance. Additional consideration by the parameters of the radiator in this study are the geometrical characteristics (the criterion of the space occupied by the dimensions of the body and the size of the transfer surface on the air side), the weight criterion (radiators without heating fluid) volume criterion (heat-carrying substance in the body). Each of the above criteria is related to nominal thermal output.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa

App update guidance for evaluating annual savings when replacing old heating source for new heat source in terms of the cost of fuel or electricity gives the incorporation of new terms from the current challenges – 67. Challenge OPE 2014-2020 PO2, SC 2.1 – Call for county no. 2. Furthermore, the application has been added to the choice of the heat pump and condensing boiler in comparison with the previous version. The application allows you to get information about the final amount of the subsidy, the approximate evaluation of possible financial savings in terms of fuel costs and electricity and return in the implementation of the exchange of the old solid fuel boiler in detached houses as a new source of heat.

upraveno podle J. B. Hall, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Blasinski, Ph.D., Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D.

The article summarizes overview of ways to secure water heaters in Europe, which became the basis for design of integrated methodology applied in the Czech Republic.

Ing. Jaroslav Dufka

Remove gases from the water and all equipment in heating systems is one of the basic prerequisites for proper operation.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

The article explains the differences between the invention patents and utility model from the perspective of Czech legislation. Also highlights the confusion individual categories and purposeful fraud by producers and sellers of equipment.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

Czech Statistical Office published in the February 2017 data from a large sample survey in Czech households with an Energy 2015. This survey was focused mainly on the consumption structure and methods of use of particular fuels and energy. The data focus on historical comparisons and consumption trends from 1991 to 2015. The statistics include methods of thermal insulation of housing, fuel used for heating and hot water, the average consumption of Czech households, types of heating sources, etc.

Ing. Jiří Cigler, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kudera

Total cost of heating energy typically consists of two items. The former is the payment for consumed energy while the latter is the payment for reserved power capacity or reserved energy capacity in given period. If the customer pays for the reserved power capacity, he/she should address two questions: what is the most suitable level of reserved capacity and how to control the heating system so that the reserved capacity limits are not exceeded. Both questions can be readily solved with the aid of model based predictive controller.

Daniela Petržilková, Frank Bold Advokáti, s.r.o.

Obtain subsidy for a new boiler and then use it for unapproved fuel burning? There are cases of sellers telling people that it's okay. Such behaviour is of course illegal and the owner of the boiler in such case faces return of subsidy and a financial penalty. The seller on the other hand has nothing to worry about, since he places all the risk on the buyer.

Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Milan Dej, Ph.D., Ing. Vendula Laciok, Ph.D.

The article deals with the determination of emission factors of pollutants from household heating with solid fuels. It also gives the value of specific emissions of PM, CO and TOC and emission balance of household heating in 2001, 2015 and three possible scenarios for the year 2021.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Jelínek, CSc.

Design and calculation of chimneys includes European standard EN 13384-1 Chimneys - Thermal and hydraulic calculation methods - Part 1: Individual chimneys and EN 13384-2 Chimneys - Thermal and hydraulic calculation methods - Part 2: Common chimneys

Ing. Jakub Maščuch, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Mydlil

Paper describes selected effects of implementation of biomass microCHP generation in Czech legal conditions. Selected demonstration of biomass CHP is described and basic operational energy balances are presented. Comparison of microCHP and ordinary biomass boiler energy balance were performed. MicroCHP technology WAVE, which is being developed at CTU UCEEB in Buštěhrad, is described. Operational parameters of WAVE and future development outline were discussed.

Ing. Miloš Bajgar

As a legal expert I often deal with inadequate heating system function. What is common to these devices? Missing balancing valves. It is not possible to assess the flow in connected terminal units that would ensure the necessary transmission capacity from the heat source to the terminal units.

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