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MESSY s.r.o., Ing. Waltr Sodomka, MESSY s.r.o. - dodavatel komínů

The content of the third and final part of the article is to perform illustrative practical calculations demonstrated on particular appliances and chimneys.

Ing. Jiří Kyncl, Ing. Tomáš Kellner, Ing. Pavel Kovář, Ph.D., Ing. Miroslav Kotouček

Ceramic chimney pipes for chimney systems are a traditional and desirable material, mainly due to their high heat and corrosion resistance. In order to reduce CO2 emissions, ie to achieve higher fuel utilization and lower heating costs, but also to reduce CO and dust emissions, ie to increase the purity of flue gas, new boilers for the combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels with higher efficiency. These boilers also use the latent heat of the flue gas and condensate forms in the chimney system. Therefore, higher demands are placed on chimney systems, for resistance to moisture, condensate, but also to reduced gas permeability, which is required for energy passive houses.

© majorosl66 -
MESSY s.r.o., Ing. Waltr Sodomka, MESSY s.r.o. - dodavatel komínů

Second part of the article about designing chimneys for wood pellet appliances describes the evaluation of the chimney calculation in terms of draft, flow velocity according to national regulation (ČSN 734201: 2016) and temperature conditions.

Ing. Kateřina Kubrichtová, prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

The article deals with BIM technology in co-operation with design of HVAC. The theme is divided into two related parts. The first part describes the complex issues related to BIM technology and its implementation in TZB practice. In the second part there is a practical way of comparing the calculation of heat losses according to CSN EN and using the BIM tool.

Ing. Waltr Sodomka, MESSY s.r.o., MESSY s.r.o. - dodavatel komínů

First part of the article about designing chimneys for wood pellet appliances summarizes the basic conditions for calculating the flue gas paths of pellet appliances as a legally required verification of functionality.

Ing. Jaroslav Dufka

This section, focusing on the types and characteristics of cables and general information on the issue of electric underfloor heating, closes the series of articles, which showed the basic possibilities that underfloor heating, possibly cooling, offers, what elements it consists of, how it is installed. Those interested in more detailed information can use a number of sources both on TZB-info and on the basis of system suppliers of complete sets of elements, using their free advice, in some cases also free software tools for projection. It is necessary to emphasize at the end that even the best project can be wrongly done by installation, replacement of elements etc.

Ing. Jaroslav Dufka

This section and the remaining two parts of the underfloor heating series are dedicated to a method that has also been used for many years, namely direct conversion of electrical energy into heat in the floor. Also, underfloor heating technology is well processed by component manufacturers and suppliers. Many assembly companies are currently operating in this area, and it is not unusual for builders to install them under the supervision of an expert and self-help. A considerable number of supporters are interested in direct use of electric power for floor heating, especially thanks to the easy and very precise regulation and low purchase costs. This type of underfloor heating does not allow cooling.

Ing. Petr Polívka, Uponor s.r.o.

The article describes theoretical and practical information about using thermal activation of concrete core ceilings in the Czech Republic. The reader will get comprehensive information for solving the problems of installing, designing and managing such a system.

Ing. Jaroslav Dufka

Underfloor heating in a general explanation can also be considered heating designed convectors, which are installed in the floor. In this case, the thermal energy in the rooms does not enter or exit from the entire floor area, but only a part of it, the surface occupied by the convector.

Ing. Lenka Prokšová Zuská, doc. Ing. Michal Kabrhel, Ph.D., Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The study deals with the measurement of microclimatic (indoor climatic) parameters and questionnaire survey in open-space offices. It describes the building, the air conditioning system and the parameters that have been assessed in the space. The paper shows the problems associated with the assessment of the thermal-humidity microclimate according to the subjective feelings of the occupants. It is an introductory work to the analysis of objective and subjective assessment in the space with uneven thermal-humidity microclimate.

Ing. Milan Vítovský, Resideo Technologies, Inc.

Zone regulation is one of many ways to reduce heating costs. But is this method effective? And how effective is it? Is it worth investing in zone regulation? This paper presents lessons learned from the long-term monitoring of the cost of heating a particular apartment building and compares the impact of different investments on reducing energy consumption. It also deals with the practical operation of zone regulation and the possibilities of using remote access to both its control and the data that zone regulation can provide.

Ing. Jiří Cigler, Ph.D., Feramat Energies, s.r.o.

The paper deals with the problem of optimal sizing of battery-powered hybrid power systems for HV extraction installations, where electricity consumption diagrams are available and it can be assumed that the nature of the operation will not change when photovoltaic technology is installed with battery storage. This is a difficult task, as each installation is specific to its nature of consumption, energy prices, location and investor requirements. The article outlines how to solve this problem by using the numerical optimization methods implemented in MicrOpt Design, the use of which is shown in a specific example.

Ing. Ondřej Pavelka, prof. Ing. Jiří Bašta, Ph.D., Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The paper assesses, based on numerical simulations, the variant placement of the radiator in a heated corner room with two windows. Unlike in the past times, when the installation of a radiator under each window was recommended in such a room, interesting conclusions are reached when taking into consideration the current recommended thermo-technical properties of the building structures.

Ing. Jaroslav Dufka

Floor heating supplies heat in heated rooms by transferring from the floor. A large part of the heating system is installed in the floor. For a number of benefits, underfloor heating is being built in living rooms, family and apartment buildings, utility rooms, shops, industry, etc., and more often than ever before. It is also common today to combine several different types of heating, with the floor forming the base. In the event that the floor heating is designed with a hot water form, its function of distributing heat to the rooms can be turned to remove heat from the rooms and then serve for cooling.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

Accurate determination of the type of hot water boiler for solid fuels plays an important role in terms of obligations imposed on boiler operators by Czech legislation, in terms of subsidies, etc. The most serious duty will be the closure of some boilers by September 2022.

doc. Ing. Richard Nový, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Kučera, Ph.D., Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The paper deals with the emission of noise from chimneys and air-conditioning exhausts in the free space. Chimneys in general are vertical flue ducts designed to remove flue gases from combustion devices. The paper does not only address these cases, but extends to the termination of vertical piping systems into the atmosphere in general, addressing also the case of the discharge of degraded air into the outdoor environment through a pipeline of a certain dimension.

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