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Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., Ing. Erika Langerová

The article shows the ways of using load profiles of hot water heaters defined by Commission Regulations No 811, 812, 813 and 814/2013 to construct a cumulative hot water consumption curves. The authors point out errors commonly made by designers of hot water preparation systems in relation to the use of the load profiles. The conclusion of the article contains a comparison between consumption curves obtained with use of the hot water heaters’ load profiles and real measurements in different types of buildings.

Bytové domy na Jižním městě v Praze (Foto J. Hodboď)
Ing. Veronika Dokoupilová, doc. Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D.

Stricter ENB criteria and efforts to enforce a comprehensive view, not only the energy needs associated with housing, but also the place of residence, mode of transport, etc. show that the current situation is not systematically resolved. Meeting the new criteria in existing buildings, many of which have not even undergone basic insulation, will be very challenging, albeit necessary.

prof. Ing. Jiří Bašta, Ph.D., Ing. Jindřich Boháč, Ph.D.

Conference paper debates results of researches into wall heating which are showed that placement of wall heating panels in interior walls results in a lower heat loss than placement in outer walls, and that wall heating can have equal or better energy-efficiency compared to floor heating and conventional radiators.

Termální lázně Malé Bielice, foto D.Kopačková redakce
Ing. Anna Predajnianska, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Stavebná fakulta, Katedra technických zariadení budov

Thermal baths in Slovakia are producers of wastewater, which have considerable enegry potential. Wastewater often exceeds the maximum temperature that can be discharged to the recipient without harming the environment. In many cases, this requirement is not met, and swimming pool operators must face sanctions for environmental pollution. The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of using the energy potential of wastewater, which would ensure its required temperature.

Ing. Vladimír Valenta

The paper focuses on the sizing of chimneys for fireplaces in which wood is burnt. Before the dimensioning itself the combustion equation and the derived equations for determining the flow of fire-wood and the flow of combustion air and gas are listed. At the end, the paper provides an example of calculation.

Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Vitouš, Jan Kuldan

The first part described the real course of heating and electricity consumption by radiant panels of two family houses with different uses. In this part, the houses are compared in terms of the parameters of their indoor environment and in relation to the measured energy consumption and their energy intensity.

Ing. Robert Krainer, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Duda

The article summarized overview of currently used refrigerants and termination dates consumption of prohibited refrigerants. In the past, refrigerant was used based on fully halogenated hydrocarbons (CFCs), later it was partially halogenated hydrocarbons (HCFCs), and currently are the fluorocarbons and mixtures (HFCs). The paper discussed important laws and regulations, which set out the requirements for the use of refrigerants.

Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Vitouš, Jan Kuldan

The first part of the article describes the real course of heating and electricity consumption by radiant panels of two family houses with different approaches to their use. In the second part, the houses will be compared in terms of the parameters of their indoor environment in relation to the measured energy consumption and their energy intensity.

foto © Konstantin Kulikov -
Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., alias SMOKEMAN, Ing. Pavel Bialek, Martin Chmelář

Dust sucked into the gas boiler with combustion air (without pollution from the indoor environment - hair, etc.) does not pose a significant problem with clogging of the hot water exchanger, even with a long-term increased concentration of PM10 in the outdoor air.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Electric heating systems can be divided according to several criteria. One of them is way of heat transfer. The distribution of thermal energy from one place to another may occur through convection, radiation or conduction. In this article we will focus on the convection heat transfer.

Ing. Vladimír Šulc, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

Serious heat pump failures can be caused by liquefied refrigerant sucked into the compressor or excessive refrigerant temperature at the compressor outlet. The reasons must be sought in the construction of the heat pump and the insufficient expertise of the service personnel.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Jelínek, CSc., Ing. Jiří Vrba

The article divides the openings into the chimney according to their purpose, states the method of making the individual openings, including the conditions based on ČSN 73 4201.

doc. Ing. Zuzana Straková, PhD., STU v Bratislave, Stavebná fakulta, Katedra TZB

Ventilation infiltration in the form of leaking windows, doors is associated with unwanted heat leakage in cold periods. The size of the leakage depends on both the intensity of ventilation and the amount of energy contained in the air. The calculation should include not only the specific heat capacity of the dry air, but also the energy contained in the water vapor in the air.

doc. Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D., VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

The article deals with the principles of calculating the monthly method of supplied energy for heating. Describes in a clear form the individual mechanisms of calculation according to the relevant standards. It is designed for the needs of energy specialists and the professional public.

doc. Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D., VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

The assessment of the energy performance of buildings depends on a large number of calculations, which must comply with the applicable legislation. The article presents the related structure of legal regulations, including standards and their brief characteristics.

Ing. Jiří Vrba, TNK 105 Komíny

The type of chimney determines the suitability, use, conditions of chimney installation and also plays a role in the flue gas discharge from solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. The distinction of chimneys into separate or common chimneys, system chimneys, individual and additionally lined chimneys, etc. will be described in this article.

Ing. Petr Michal, Ing. Josef Hodboď

Even heat pumps with frequency-controlled compressors are not fault-tolerant. Examples are the destruction of the frequency converter, the suction of liquid refrigerant due to the faulty operation of the expansion valve, the ignorance of service technicians, etc. Mistakes that push the economic return of the Czech Republic into the distance can be avoided.

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