Principle of the Energy Performance Contracting is in energy service providing by preparation, instalment and usually also by financing of energy saving measures. Stakeholder does not invest money at once after measures realization, but the expenses are paid to ESCO regularly by payments from saved operating costs. Moreover the ESCO as provider provides guarantees for sufficient value of the savings at the level from the agreement. The EPC is package of the services in relation to design, technical preparation, engineering, organization of realization, energy management and usually also financing. The target of the service is lowering of operating costs for energy and more efficient using of energy.
The Energy Performance Contacting is provided in the Czech Republic from 1993. From that time about ten energy services companies (ESCO) learnt to apply the EPC metodology. In the public sector the announcement of the tendering process was gradually optimized and last time it is made as standard selection procedure. The highest number of the realized projects was in municipal sector. Besides the municipalities the projects are realized also in state sector, mainly in the sectors of education, healthcare, culture.