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Ing. Stanislav Števo, PhD., Ing. Jozef Dorner

Micro-level is optimization of the individual segments of the heating system, for example, greater operating efficiency of heat recovery units. Followed by middle-level, such as designing of heating circuits, and the macro-level - management optimalisation due to energy consumption.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Řehánek, Dr.Sc.

The author in his article deals with intermittent heating of buildings, specifically optimizing the operation of the heating system so that the change in the heating mode - in compliance with the required quality of the indoor environment during the heating breaks - achieved economic savings due to reduced output of the heating system design.

Ing. Milan Bechyně, redakce TZB-info

Supply of gas or electricity is so important that many customers do not want to risk a possible interruption when changing suppliers. New legislative rules defined in an amendment to the Energy Act No. 458/2000 Coll. (as amended by Act No. 211/2011 Coll.) but fill existing gaps in legislation and establish a procedure for changing supplier.

Petr Horák, Marcela Počinková, Marián Formánek

The article describes the methodology of experimental verifying of the performance of heat pump in real conditions. Namely the air-water type of heat pump was evaluated. Heat pump has been observed in extreme climatic conditions and the resulting measured and calculated parameters were compared with the parameters specified by its manufacturer.

Ing. Michal Čejka, Ing. Miroslav Šafařík, Ph.D.

The aim of the authors is to evaluate the economic effectiveness of choosing of the heating system for family passive houses and to compare it with the same systems used in common buildings. Methodology of the comparison consist in real market offers and price lists in price level of first half-year 2011. The work is based on the case study of simulated passive house. The result encompasses confrontation of the overall costs of energy supply for family house for 15 years. At the end of the article the overall benefits of passive houses building and management are discussed.

Ing. Renata Straková, Ing. Josef Knob

Regular inspection is focused to the boiler, smoke flue and accessories condition, its security and regulation. In addition to the technical condition and maintenance, the documentation, operating instructions, manuals and other documents are under inspection. It quantifies the overall boiler efficiency of measurement results, sets reference respectively minimum boiler efficiency and suggests possible actions.

Ing. Milan Bechyně, redakce TZB-info

The possibility to choose supplier of gas is available since 2007. But only last year and especially this year the gas market has developed so much that it is possible to save up to 30% of annual costs for heating and hot water in a family house with change supplier.

Ing. Ivan Beneš, Bc. Filip Vrlík

Oil is the energy source No. 1, and the world is in a period of peak oil. Serious paralysis of economy after peak oil is almost certain, because economic growth demanded increasing consumption of fossil fuels from the beginning of the industrial revolution.
The Czech Republic can ensure its energy security only in integrating with Europe, and especially the connection to Europe's energy (especially electricity and gas) and transport networks and participation in the transformation of post-fossil energy and transport system.

Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D.

Long-term air quality data collected in areas affected by pollution from large industrial sources, reported during the heating season, the remarkable changes that indicate a significant proportion of small sources in impaired air quality. Residents and their boiler is considerable work involved in air pollution.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Zajíc

Passive houses reduce the need for heating to compensate the heat loss through the building facade and ventilation. But at the same time it increases consumption of the auxiliary energy for circulation pumps and fans. The analytical result can be for many readers quite surprising.

Vladimíra Henelová, Michael Ten Donkelaar

IPMVP is a framework of definitions and methods established for the proper assessment of energy consumption or consumption or water. IPMVP provides guidance for users in developing plans for M & V (measurement and verification) for specific projects.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Jelínek, CSc.

Chimneys should be so high above the immediate surroundings, so as not to affect the environment or not to affect the area by polluted flue gases. During the operation it should be excluded interference of surrounding objects on the function of chimney. The article summarizes the conditions for the design of the chimney outlet on sloped and flat roofs.


The growth of a company cannot be planned as has been shown by the economic recession. But if this is taken into account when constructing its registered office, it is not necessary to move elsewhere. The owner of a Litoměřice company believed in its development and after ten years in co-operation with the architect Zuzana Hamanová he enlarged the administrative building and the production hall with other premises including a research and development centre.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

In 2010 it was delivered to the domestic market, over 80 thousand small combustion plants for solid fuels. Of these, 24 000 stove and fireplace inserts, stoves 50 000, less than 5000 kitchen ranges and over 1000 spa stoves. Around 50% of these devices are imported. Hot-water heat exchanger is fitted with 15-20% of sold heaters.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Making sense of saving heat is difficult even for experts, let alone for the Laity. When we don't heat an object, is it to save 100 % or nothing? Making sense of savings means working with the measured consumption, the transfer values ​​for the normal year and saving heat show in the difference between the values ​​of normal years. Check with us to turn out such assessments.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

The present report is the result of processing of all available statistical sources relating to the development of prices of solid fuels for household. there are monitored price indicators of graded types of coal and coke, lignite, peat and wood briquettes, wood and vegetable pellets and firewood.

Ing. Karel Mayer, Ing. Martin Pexa, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Aleš, Ph.D., Ing. Libor Weinfurtner

Quality product is dependent on reliable and serviceable manufacturing facility, which is influenced by effective and timely performed maintenance. In order to check the operating parameters it is possible to use vibrodiagnostics, tribodiagnostics, termodiagnostics, non-destructive testing methods and others. It's difficult to choose the right moment to implement maintenance inspection in order to exploit the whole equipment life time and reduced risk of breakdown failure. The fundamental rules for determining the maintenance measurement interval in the diagnostic management system has not been established. Therefore, the emphasis is on determining the interval for measuring of the implementation of periodic data collection, which is more often used than the on-line diagnostic systems for secondary production techniques and technologies with a parallel backup. Proposal for a definition of the calculation of interval measurement is based on the assumption that the calculation must reproduce the behavior of the measured variables and dynamically respond to changes in the trend of damage. Technology has been chosen with a sufficient history of operations and maintenance, to check whether the model of the calculation of the dynamic range of measurement is usable in engineering practice and if it is sufficient enough be to manage and plan the maintenance action. To verify the model five pumps with three parallel backups were used. A major finding from these results is the fact that under the dynamic interval only four more measurements were made than if the measurements were carried out at regular intervals. Just the last four measurements before the outage was made within 31 days, which would normally correspond to one measurement interval. On the other hand, it is necessary under the regular intervals to verify the step change of measured values. This difference in the number of measurements compensated in practice is usually equal to the number of measurements in dynamic mode interval. If based on the premise that the number of measurements under the dynamic range is the same as at regular intervals and use this method in this direction "zero cost" essential contribution is primarily the cost savings on storage of spare parts and reduce the likelihood of other costs with overtime up to 60% compared with measurements carried out at regular intervals. Undeniable contribution to maintenance is also a fact that by making a service action with the deployment of dynamic range measurements, it can even closer determine real life time of bearing and it is possible to use of the maximum potential production of equipment.

Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Marcela Počinková, Ph.D.

The article discusses the development of a test circuit for measuring hydraulic properties of thermal units of building services. The purpose of the test circuit is mainly determining the pressure loss of heat units. First, the article provided the theoretical foundations of the problem. It is also described development of equipment and its function. End of the article deals with the measurement using the circuit and presents the results of measurements.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

The article is the result of surveys conducted in the work of raw material and energy department statistics, the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Material published in August 2011 includes data on molded (formed) fuels (briquettes and pellets) made from biomass (wood and plant), peat, coal and paper.

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