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Archiv článků od 14.5.2012 do 27.8.2012

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tepelné zisky
Ing. Iva Ambrožová, Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D.

Determination of the energy balance of required building is necessary in energy evaluation, energy audit and energy performance certification of buildings. Key values are heat gains and losses. They are initial for determination of the energy demand and consumption. Calculation of the energy performance should be done in accordance to ČSN EN ISO 13790 standard. This article describes the problematic calculation of glazing solar gains. In the end is enumeration of different methods (current and older) during the heating season.

Ing. Vít Havlů, doc. Ing. Martin Pexa, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Aleš, Ph.D.

This article is focused on plan optimization issues of preventive maintenance based on risk assessment. The aim is to propose a cohesive system layout which involves the maintenance optimisation as a whole and achieve better results compare to simple applying the individual methods. This system is divided into five fundamental phases which are consequently following one after another and guarantee the order and structure of the process. Every phase consist of individual sections which thoroughly describe particular execution and procedures. The proposed system should help readers to obtain sufficient information in order to understand the different parts of the system and enable them to make their own opinion on synergy of systematic methodology which deals with optimization of maintenance. All these aspects are very important in practice due to the complexity of most ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Commonly practiced simple statistical analysis of heat consumption shows differences of measured values, but not thermal energy savings, for which the buildings are insulated and the heating systems re-regulated. Differences of measured values at different temperatures inside buildings have no practical benefit for the consumer because they say nothing about the actual and they do not allow to adjust the heating mode nor by changing the behaviour of people in apartments, nor by any other instrument. Heat consumers lack information on the relations between the average internal temperature of objects during measurement of heat consumption, on the influence of heat gain and possible heat savings in compliance with the legislation provided average internal temperature of the object.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Do we understand heating system regulation correctly? Do we attach importance to it right? Or do we just pretend to customers that classic "hydraulic regulation can ensure people's correct environment"? Check with us on a fragment of research that already 10 years ago revealed the truth.

otopné těleso
Ing. Jan Blažíček

The cause of the 30% decline can not be decline in construction output only or postponement of reconstruction because of the worse economic situation, but there must be some evolution in the design of heating systems, when applied heating systems without conventional radiators.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Thermal insulation of buildings promised savings of 50%, but the real savings are 20% or even none, and sometimes we measure the heat consumption higher than before the insulation. The system in some floors does not heat enough and in another floor the system is noisy, although it was was adjusted according to repeated measurements. Is diagnosis able to reveal the causes and is regulation of system able to rectify the situation?

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Environmental economists conference EAERE 2012 continued by the second day of lectures. Plenary Keynote Lecture named Integrated Assessment Modeling in Economics and Climate Change was held by prof. William D. Nordhaus from Yale University, USA. The lecture was followed by Plenary Panel Session on Rio +20 conference.

Ing. Jozef Bugáň

Nowadays there is emphasis on energy savings and utilization of renewable energy sources. Therefore, proper selection and design of the heating / cooling system, which should be also able to provide favourable condition of the thermal environment – thermal comfort, is very important.In this article construction systems, compositions and possible solutions of low temperature floor heating / high temperature ceiling cooling are presented.


Construction of Science and Technology Park and Technology Transfer Centre Vysočina was launched June 14th 2012 by the foundation stone ceremony in Jihlava. It is only the second center of this type in the region. The technology park will be open by January 10th 2014. In the project participate two universities: CTU in Prague and MENDELU in Brno. Main focus is in technologies that reduce emissions and sustainability in the energy sector and in sectors such as manufacture of electrical equipment, aerospace, automotive, IT and construction.

Kaskádová kotelna Thermona
Ing. Jan Blažíček

As in previous years, we also offer the annual results of sales of heat sources of the last year made on the basis of documents of Association of heating technology companies (APTT).

Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D.

This paper examines the process of burning piece of wood in the low power fireplace (units to tens of kW). This combustion process is cyclical and what users are most interested in the combustion device, the frequency of fuel to the fire. The paper defines the basic concepts such as burn-up curve and the burn rate that have close relationship to the rate of reloading.

podlahové vytápění
Ing. Jozef Bugáň

Nowadays there is emphasis on energy savings and utilization of renewable energy sources. Therefore, proper selection and design of the heating / cooling system, which should be also able to provide favourable condition of the thermal environment – thermal comfort, is very important.In this article construction systems, compositions and possible solutions of low temperature floor heating / high temperature ceiling cooling are presented.

doc. Ing. Ondřej Šikula, Ph.D., VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

Author assesses dynamic behavior of the heating wall panel and the heating floor panel on the basis of mathematical simulations in the CalA software. The model of the wet method of placing was selected for the wall panel heating surface and the dry method of placing (laying) for the floor panel heating surface. The selected method for placing the heating coil pile was the meander in both cases.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa

According to the results of tests of the Research Energy Centre Technical University Ostrava, each operator of combustion plant can partially affect emissions. For older boilers it is better to give a smaller dose of fuel more often. After adding the fuel it is better to let it burn up, not close the inlets for combustion air.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf-Peter Strauß, Překlad: Ing. Petra Šrubařová

The assessment is a comparison of hot water production using photovoltaic devices in combination with a small heat pump and conventional solar thermal collectors. Research shows that with the same areas of the collectors, investment cost are similar, but a variant of solar electricity with small heat pump can save significantly more energy.

Ing. Jozef Bugáň, prof. Ing. Dušan Petráš, PhD.

In this article calculation methods of low temperature floor heating according to the new European standard (EN 1264, 2009) are presented. At the same time, denotations and approaches to calculation of floor heating by the method of Cihelka are compared with the denotations and calculation methods in the new European standard.

kontrola tepelných čerpadel
Ing. Marek Bláha, Asociace pro využití tepelných čerpadel

Article provides detailed information about leakage control of cooling circuits in heat pumps. Author summarizes the legislative basis of this duty and shows, which heat pumps are involved.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa

The essence of the combustion process is burning fuel. This is a phenomenon that the authors clearly and wittily likened to the relationship of man and woman. At the same time in the article they explain in detail the technical terminology such as calorific value, combustion heat, humidity of wooden fuel, and the efficiency of common and condensing boilers.

podlahové vytápění
prof. Ing. Dušan Petráš, PhD., Ing. Jozef Bugáň

Nowadays there is emphasis on energy savings and utilization of renewable energy sources. Therefore, proper selection and design of the heating / cooling system, which should be also able to provide favourable condition of the thermal environment – thermal comfort, is very important. Warm water floor heating is a progressive way of heating, which decreases operation costs on one hand and creates ideal temperature distribution on the other hand.
Decreasing of energy costs leads to increasing interest in systems with better efficiency and thermal comfort. Utilizing of renewable energy sources along with installation of low temperature heating systems results in decreased primary energy consumption and leads to lower operation costs.
In this article experience with application of the new European standard (EN 1264, 2009) for calculation and design of warm water floor heating is presented. The calculation has been carried out for a reference room in a family house, by means of software with application of floor systems from different manufacturers.

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