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Měřič tepla
Petr Holyszewski, produktový manažer společnosti ENBRA

Heat meters are working set gauges and installation can only be performed by a registered company in the Czech Metrological Institute. Yet they are very often used and installed improperly or incorrectly. The following text should be specific instructions on what to avoid during installation of heat meters.

Praha, Pražský hrad
Ing. Ladislav Tintěra

The heating period 2012/2013 in Prague based on the observation of Prague-Karlov Station was 234 days, a little longer, and with an average temperature of 5.0 °C, slightly warmer than the long-term average. The basic characteristic of heat demand for heating is 3266 D°(19) degree days, hence, the heat demand is slightly higher than long-term average 3224 D°(19). In the last decade, it is the highest number of degree days for a heating period and the second highest number of degree days than long-term average.

Plynový kotel
Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Burišin

Opinions of the professionals concerned on the issue of fire safety in the operation of chimneys, flues and fuel appliances that address the Government Regulation No. 91/2010, are very different. Since this is a very serious issue, TZB-info wants to provide space for professional discussion, which result should be the unification of opinions.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The market for wood pellets has grown, which is understandable due to the following market growth with boilers and biomass stoves. On the contrary, the market for agro pellets gradually declining. Pellets from agricultural production are completely different type of fuel than wood pellets. These industrial fuel which is in most cases not suitable for domestic heating.

Ing. František Jiřík, soudní znalec v oboru stavebním se zvláštní specializací kominictví

The article is a response to article Proposal for the content of comments to Government Regulation No. 91/2010 Coll. and also warning of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning from gas fired appliances.

Ing. Miroslav Burišin

Opinion No 160/2013 of the Czech Association for Technical Equipment of the Government Regulation No. 91/2010 Coll. Conditions of fire safety during the operation of chimneys, flues and gas appliances, issued pursuant to the confusion in the application of the Government Regulation.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

The article is a commentary on Czech TV report about the feasibility of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. To eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has been proposed a number of methods, many of which are currently at the stage of mere concept. Namely, this includes the artificial trees mentioned in the report. Even if such methods work, there still remains the question of what to do with the captured CO2. Storage in geological formations is uncertain and material recovery faces high energy demands. In some cases there is a misunderstanding resulting from the confusion of CO2 and other emissions. Namely on the facade, which allegedly eliminate CO2 from the air, but in fact it eliminates nitrogen oxides. The only reliable way to reduce CO2 emissions permanently is to reduce energy consumption.

Ing. Jiří Frýba

Operational guidelines contain instructions for the behavior of workers in a variety of operational and emergency situations, clarify reporting lines and defines the personal responsibility of individual employees. Operating rules contain instructions for the operating individual units and maintenance instructions.

Fotovoltaické panely na střeše
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Solar radiation can be utilised in two basic ways. You can either gain heat from solar thermal collectors or electricity in photovoltaic panels. So far, heating of water by photovoltaics was too expensive to compete with conventional solar thermal collectors.
Weight , durability , and currently even the price of solar thermal collectors is comparable with commercially available photovoltaic modules.
Annual energy yield per unit area is approximately twice in the solar thermal collectors compared to the highest quality photovoltaic modules with cells made ​​of monocrystalline silicon, due to the higher efficiency.
In the summer the photovoltaic modules are better when the working fluid is heated to temperatures above 100 °C. In the winter the breaking point is about 40 °C. The advantage of photovoltaics is the absence of heat transfer fluid and easier transfer of energy produced to the point of use. Electricity can also be used more versatile than heat.
If the investment cost of a complete solution of heating water by electricity from photovoltaic panels, either directly or using a heat pump, is lower than the investment cost of the solar thermal system, the PV water heating can be considered as effective utilization of electricity from photovoltaic plants. Such a solution could then be included as an alternative to any grant support for solar water heating.

komíny chrlící kouř
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

IPCC Working Group I is pleased to announce the launch of the new website as part of the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.

plynový kotel
Ing. Miroslav Burišin

Extensive modification of TPG 704 01 - Gas consumption equipment and gas burning appliances in buildings - came into effect on 1 August 2013. Most changes are in the chapters that address the placement of gas appliances and air supply for combustion and ventilation and safety of gas appliances in version B. In this article will be mentioned and possibly commented on the most important changes.

otopné těleso
prof. Ing. Jiří Bašta, Ph.D., Ing. Jindřich BOHÁČ

We require that heat losses be equal to the currently supplied heat output, in an ideal event. However, this process is unsettled in time and we try to react precisely as best to the given changes of conditions through processes of the heat output control. It is necessary to deal with the dynamic behavior of heating surfaces, generally, to be able to achieve the most efficient control. The dynamic behavior is understood herein as the reaction towards the invoked control intervention. Authors are engaged in the dynamic behavior of radiators with local quantitative control through the thermal control valve fitted with the head with the liquid charge (hereinafter the “TRV” – Thermostatic Radiator Valve), in their contribution.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The joint program to promote the replacement of boilers is spreading to various regions of the Czech Republic. The aim is to reduce subsidies to air pollution from small combustion plants using solid fuels. Refers to the local heating of the heat output of 50 kW. The subsidy is provided to the various types of boilers and applies only to the replacement of existing manually filled with solid fuel boilers with new efficient low-emission sources.

instalatér opravující vodovod
Ing. Jiří Frýba

Less experienced HVAC field service managers sometimes tend to have difficulties in identifying the causes of technical problems that common practice brings. The table in the article can be used both ways – to find the cause of the problem or use it as a basis for a maintenance plan designed to prevent the faults and equipment failures.

Krbová kamna
Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Zuzana Jankovská, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Lubomír Martiník, Zdeněk Kysučan

Type of combustion equipment and kind of burned fuel influenced emission amount of polluting substances. This fact confirmed results of combustion examinations which were made in accredited testing laboratory in Energy Research Centre.

Ing. Marian Brázdil

The thermoelectric transformation of waste heat into electric power is considered to be a promising technology enabling to enhance electric efficiency of current energy processes, fuel saving and emissions reduction. The submitted paper deals with the construction of thermoelectric generators, current thermoelectric applications and their potential utilization.

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