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Plynový kotel
Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Year 2013 was important in terms of sales of heat sources in the Czech Republic, because the long-awaited change came after years in the sign of declining demand. Sales of manufacturers grew significantly, as it documents the evaluation of the data obtained from the Association of heating technology (APTT) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO).

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

By Directive 2009/28/ES on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, Member States shall ensure that certification schemes or equivalent qualification schemes become or are available for installers of small-scale RES (biomass boilers and stoves, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps). The directive does not imply that a person with no certification could not install the small-scale RES.
Contrary to that the Act No. 406/2000 Coll., on Energy Management (as amended by Act No. 318/2012 Coll.) implies that small-scale renewable energy sources may only be installed by person with appropriate permission. Paradoxically, even though for the installation of a biomass boiler is required permission, fossil fuel boilers can be installed in the Czech Republic without authorization. This is in direct conflict with the intent of the Directive.

termostatická hlavice
Jiří V. Ráž, DiS.

The quality of dynamic heating lies in accuracy of adjustment of the valves, which depends on the correct operation and efficiency of regulatory processes, and therefore the overall heating efficiency. This article summarizes the factors that affect the accuracy of the adjustment, and presents the results obtained the new working tools.

Ing. Jan Sedlář, ČVUT v Praze Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

The author compares use of heat pump with solar systems serving for heating hot water for a block of flats in Prague, in his study. The meteorological data from the station Prague-Karlov and the program developed in the framework of a diploma work are taken for the comparison. The comparison is elaborated both from the energy point of view and economically from an orientation view.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Lubomír Martiník, Ing. Milan Dej, Ph.D.

The paper is focused on the problem of measurement of gas flow in closed conduits. It deals with the physical principles of measurement and refers to standardized procedures which deal with this issue. It is also briefly discussed the measurement of temperatures and pressures as these parameters are important for calculations of flow.

Ing. Martin Kny, Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

This paper is focused on hot water tanks for long-term heat storage. Describes the design of the tanks and and their properties. The evaluation of tanks is based on the results of real systems. Tanks are mainly used for solar systems with long-term heat storage. The use of solar systems with long-term heat storage for building opens new possibilities for further savings of energy from non-renewable sources.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Lubomír Martiník, Ing. Milan Dej, Ph.D.

The paper is focused on the problem of measurement of gas flow in closed conduits. It deals with the physical principles of measurement and refers to standardized procedures which deal with this issue. It is also briefly discussed the measurement of temperatures and pressures as these parameters are important for calculations of flow.

Ing. Pavol Hrebík, PhD., Katedra konštrukcií pozemných stavieb, Fakulta stavebná, Slovenská technická univerzita Bratislava

Uncertainty internal heat gains as a result of the behavior of the population can be interpreted in two ways: uncertainty of the total population, which will tend to triangular division and uncertainty of metabolism. The our uncertainty analysis of internal heat gains based on the assumption that a household uses the only electrical energy (P1.14/BA).

měřáky tepla
Ing. Vladimír Galád

We use for measuring of physical quantities devices, in layman's called “meters”. But what to say that the term “meter” is also used for devices that do not measure anything, and even the experts in the given field use this concept. Welcome to the field of billing of heating costs.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

In 2014 enters or has entered into a joint program to promote the replacement of the obsolete boilers at least five counties. Grants are intended solely for individuals who own property in the county. In addition to its purchase of the boiler it is possible to grant eligible costs include heating, the purchase of pumps, storage tanks, etc.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

Reduce the amount of air emissions, provide households and businesses cheaper to heat and at the same time stimulate the economy and encourage the market for renewable energy sources - these are common goals for the Czech, Austrian, German and British government. Each country, however, these objectives released after different way. While our currently running national subsidies in the UK came this spring with a program RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) for households. In many ways, this program is unique worldwide and will be interesting to see whether it becomes an inspiration for other European countries, hence the Czech Republic.

Ing. František Jiřík

Multilayer metal chimneys have some advantages over chimneys with ceramic chimney casing, but their use with solid fuel appliances in wooden houses must strictly follow all the requirements of chimney manufacturer and be in accordance to current norms in order to secure the fire safety of the building. This concerns in particular the passages of chimneys and flues through wooden building structures.

Ing. Lubomír Martiník, Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Antonín Šimáček, Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Vendula Drastichová, Ing. Jan Koloničný, Ph.D., doc. Dr. Ing. Tadeáš Ochodek

In newly constructed and renovated buildings more often dynamically controllable sources of heat are used. In the recreational buildings dominate cookers and ovens with a combined fan and storage function. It is mainly caused by changes in the energy requirements of buildings, which decreases every year and the market is focused primarily on this type of stoves. But tiled stoves have still a lot to offer - design and use value. Properly designed tiled stoves are suitable also for the low-energy houses and can serve as a primary heat source for heating the house and their efficiency is very high. This article tries to clarify some concepts and principles of proper design of tiled stoves.

dřevěné pelety
Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

This article assesses the subject of modern and efficient ways of using energy from wood that has been widely discussed within the scientific lectures on fair TECHAGRO and BIOMASS 2014. The author outlines the development of the cross-section of the use of wood fuels from forest management in the context of the application of forest logging residues, or sawdust from wood processing industry in the energy sector in the Czech Republic.

otevřené okno
Ing. Pavol Hrebík, PhD., Ing. Peter Matiašovský, PhD.

Air change rate in a building depends on the weather conditions, building envelope tightness, operation of technical equipment and user activity. On object structural system P1.14/BA were during the heating season (1991–1992) monitored during the opening vent windows (wings). Take into account the impact of opening windows in addition to the minimum intensity of air change rate n = 0,5 + Δn.

energetický štítek budovy
Ing. Vladimír Galád

Reducing the energy performance of buildings is very important. Equally important, however, is also the correct evaluation of energy savings. In practice, we meet with different approaches to the evaluation of energy efficiency, while some of them are far away from objectivity. This group also includes so called Energy League.

MUDr. Magdaléna Zimová, CSc., Ing. Anna Cidlinová, MUDr. Jan Melicherčík, CSc., prof. Ing. Zdeňka Wittlingerová, CSc.

Power industry is one of the greatest producers of waste. The character of waste products from the power industry is quite different from waste arising from the other industrial sectors as concerns its composition, methods of removal and possibilities of use. There has been revealed within the solution of the project “The Resort Research Program in the Force of the Ministry of Environment” ref. no. SP2f3/118/08, bearing the name “the research of real properties of waste considered as an acceptable source of non-standard raw-materials (particularly the secondary by-products from the energy generation) in sense of actual legal requirements for the protection of health, environment and the evaluation of the acquired information for the determination of safety processes and requirements for their use”, that products used for the landscaping, in certain events do not fulfill requirements stipulated for the utilization of waste on the ground surface. It means that construction products made from remainders after the coal burning, being sold as safe, can contaminate the environment more than waste used for the same purpose.

manažer s provozním řádem
Bc. Martin Hablovič, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra městského inženýrství

This article focuses on the issue of creation of operating rules that pertain to the field of operational documentation. Operating rules are an essential part of the efficient operation of the property. This article is targeted to the content site of operating rules by various functional use of objects. A method of operation of the building affects the composition of future operating rules. In this article, the individual include the composition and structure defined according to the method of use of the building.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa, Ing. Jan Koloničný, Ph.D., doc. Dr. Ing. Tadeáš Ochodek, M. Holubčík, S. Jelušová, Ing. Lubomír Martiník

The efficiency of boilers is a major technical and economical parameter and indicates the degree of fuel energy utilization. The aim of this paper is to present basic approaches to determination of the efficiency calculated by direct and indirect method. In the Annex of the article is a list of technical standards (including theirs validity) which deal with determination of efficiency for various types of boilers.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Electric heating systems can be divided according to several criteria. One of them is way of heat transfer. The distribution of thermal energy from one place to another may occur through convection, radiation or conduction. In this article we will focus on the radiant heat transfer.

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