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Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Centrum energetických a environmentálních technologií (CEET), Výzkumné energetické centrum (VEC)

Do you want to save fuel and reduce emissions from your chimney? SMOKEMAN teachs you how to do it.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

In the last article on the regeneration of residential buildings, I said that additional contributions will be more focused on topics that are crucial for the effective functioning of the heating system, or which are controversial perception among the general public. The first topic that fully meets the two criteria is the heat transfer between the different flats in apartment houses.


Czech Republic is at the beginning of an extensive exchange of unsatisfactory heat sources. On the one hand we have a “straw man” of the Law on Air Protection, on the other hand a helping hand in case of national subsidies. In the following text we show some subsidies for small heating sources in 2015 in the Czech Republic.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The article describes the results of global pellet markets and especially detailed analysis of production and consumption of certified ENplus pellets in the world for the last year. Major trends in the pellet industry are described mainly from the perspective of Europe, which is a defining market for czech market.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

Text is focused on the energy effectiveness of the heat pump installations operated in the system for space heating and domestic hot water preparation. Conventional heat pumps are operated in hot water system with low coefficient of performance (COP). Heat demand structure in multifamily buildings with high heat use for hot water influences the energy effectiveness of heat pump operation. Moreover, combination with space heating results in high installed heat capacity of the units which is not used during the year.

RNDr. Ladislav Metelka, Ph.D., Český hydrometeorologický ústav, pobočka Hradec Králové

The ozone layer is essential for life on Earth. It protects the biosphere against excessive doses of UV radiation. Anthropogenic emissions of ozone-depleting CFCs caused a serious problem. Fortunately thanks to the Montreal Protocol and its appendices the ozone layer regenerates today, virtually on a global scale. Restoration of the ozone layer is accelerated by climate change, what in the future could lead to a lack of UV radiation.

RNDr. Petr Čížek, A až Zet, Praha

This article describes some principles of functions BHE (Borehole Heat Exchangers) and inner borehole thermal conditions according to new knowledge, which were measured and published in the last five years. On this basis it evaluates the current marketing trends. Some of innovations may have result in a less efficient construction of BHE, or increased risk to the groundwater. For that reason the expertise of the proposed thermal wells should deal not only in terms of hydrogeological conditions, but also in terms of drilling. It is necessary to consider whether the used drilling equipment is able build some BHE with the declared parameters and whether is able to ensure the protection of groundwater as well.

Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

The article discusses the Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of local space heaters (Ecolabelling), which builds on Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for local space heaters. The output will be compulsory energy labels for heating sources. However, the introduction of energy labels accompanying difficulties.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Owners of residential houses during the reconstruction usually think the following: What does not have obvious defects, it's okay. By this simplified manner can not be seen on the heating system in any way. A sign that the heating is okay, it is not only the fact that heats, but mainly that operates efficiently. And it does not recognize at first glance.

Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., předseda sekce plyn ČSTZ soudní znalec - technické obory různé se specializací plynové zařízení (topné a technické plyny), CTI ČR

The aim of the Government Decree no. 91/2010 Coll., on conditions of fire safety during the operation of chimneys, flues and fuel appliances, is fire safety. However, the decree requires yearly fire checks even in the chimneys and flues from gas boilers, water heaters and heaters, i.e. where there a risk of fire is excluded.

The result is a growing number of fatal carbon monoxide poisoning – estimated up to 300 a year – and several times higher number of people with lasting health consequences. In the UK, where there it is not required to prevent a non-existent risk of fire in the chimneys and flues, but prevention against the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, the number of fatal poisoning is about 100 times less (14 in the country with 60 million inhabitants).

Will be someone able to force civil servants to admit error and inform the public about effective prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning?

Ing. Ladislav Tintěra

Calculation model Degreedays (D°) have been integrated to the portal 10 years ago. This model enables determinate the count of Degreedays. For the calculation is possible to set up following data: internal temperature, external temperature and the date, when the heating season started and ended. The total number of observation stations in Czech republic gone up this year to 37 locations. For the calculation is possible to use the data from 2005 to present.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ing. Daniel Rosecký

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. The report focuses on the share of RES in the energy balance of the Czech Republic and describes in detail the development of the each RES categories, which are: biomass, biogas, liquid biofuels, solar, wind and water energy, heat pumps and renewable part of industrial and municipal waste. There is a description of methodology regarding data collection and consequent analysis at the beginning of each section (chapter) of the report. Data included in the report are fully comparable (compatible) with data which are reported on regular basis to International Energy Agency and Eurostat.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ing. Daniel Rosecký

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. The report focuses on the share of RES in the energy balance of the Czech Republic and describes in detail the development of the each RES categories, which are: biomass, biogas, liquid biofuels, solar, wind and water energy, heat pumps and renewable part of industrial and municipal waste. There is a description of methodology regarding data collection and consequent analysis at the beginning of each section (chapter) of the report. Data included in the report are fully comparable (compatible) with data which are reported on regular basis to International Energy Agency and Eurostat.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Currently there are changes in our legislation in order to increase the energy efficiency of heating. Opinions differ on the effect of accepted changes. While some expect significant savings on heat, others, and I am one of them, draw attention to the absurdity of the whole project.

Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ing. Daniel Rosecký

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. The report focuses on the share of RES in the energy balance of the Czech Republic and describes in detail the development of the each RES categories, which are: biomass, biogas, liquid biofuels, solar, wind and water energy, heat pumps and renewable part of industrial and municipal waste. There is a description of methodology regarding data collection and consequent analysis at the beginning of each section (chapter) of the report. Data included in the report are fully comparable (compatible) with data which are reported on regular basis to International Energy Agency and Eurostat.

Ing. Ladislav Tintěra

The heating period 2013/2014 in Prague based on the observation of Prague-Karlov station was 230 days, a little longer, and with an average temperature of 6.8 °C, significantly warmer than the long-term average. The basic characteristic of heat demand for heating is 2 814 D° (19) degree days, hence, the heat demand is significantly lower than the long-term average of 3 227 D° (19). Since 2000, it's the second lowest number of degree days in the heating period.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Author of the article reflects on the contribution of the amended Decree no. 237/2014 Sb., issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade on 7 November 2014, for increasing the energy efficiency of heating systems in buildings with central heating.

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